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Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Definition Of Past Tense :
Past tense is usd for describing acts that have already been cocluded and whose exact time of occurrence is known.
Furthermore, past tense is used for retelling successive events.
That is why it is commonly used in sory telling.

Past Tense have 4 (four) types is :
Simple past tense, past continous tense, past perfect tense, past perfect continous tense.


Using :
S + to be (was,were) + Non Verb + . . .
S + Verb II + . . .

Examples :

1)    Kalimat Nominal
Ex :
+) I was in Bali last week.
-) We were not (weren’t) happy yesterday night.
?) Was he here with Yesista last night ?

2)    Kalimat Verbal
Ex :
+) They went to Malang last night.
-) We did not (didn’t) see your father yesterday.
?) Did he write a letter to you this morning.

Definition of Simple Past TEnse :

Simple Past Tense is a kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened already in a certain time in the past.

The Pattern :
+) S + V II + Complement
-) S + Did Not + VI + Complement
?) Did + S + V I ?

Examples :
+) I went to Tangkiling yesterday
-) I did not go anywhere last night.
?) Did you go last week ?

+) They met outside the cinema.
-) They did not meet outside the cinema.
?) Did hey meet outside the cinema ?


Adverb used :
Yesterday, last night, last week, last weekend, last month, two days ago, a few minutes ago, last year, an hour ago, last Monday, in 1984, etc. . .

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